21 Days of Confinement

Dikshya Koirala

In the early days of February 2012, as Nepal's spring began to paint the mornings with warmth and th...

Read 21 Days of Confinement

7 days of dark

Anusha Ojha

It was Tuesday morning, I went to school in my white dress as usual. Playing, gossiping, and laughin...

Read 7 days of dark

A Transformative Journey as a Peer Educator

Dikshya Koirala

When I began my journey as a peer educator, I never imagined the rollercoaster of emotions and trans...

Read A Transformative Journey as a Peer Educator

Am I a Feminist?

Anusha Ojha

What is feminism? I have often wondered to myself because whenever I heard the word feminist, I alwa...

Read Am I a Feminist?

An Idle Brain is the Devil's Workshop

Isha Karmacharya

There is a popular proverb from H. G. Bohn’s, “Hand-Book of Proverbs,” (1855), “An idle brain is the...

Read An Idle Brain is the Devil's Workshop

Are My Short Clothes Really Inviting Rape?

Khushi Adhikari

It was a fine June morning. I happened to open my eyes as the sun was cascading through the windows....

Read Are My Short Clothes Really Inviting Rape?

Body Shaming Exaggerated by Social Media

Khushi Adhikari

“You look so fat! Start eating less!” “You are a man, you should have muscular body and beard, or yo...

Read Body Shaming Exaggerated by Social Media

Boundary is just more than a line

Bikash Kumar Sah

'Boundary', we all have heard about this term but maybe most of us still don't know about its proper...

Read Boundary is just more than a line

Consumer protection act, 2054: in context of bitter sweets story

Medha Sharma

Today, when every other day media is bringing out new stories of sub standard foods and sweets in th...

Read Consumer protection act, 2054: in context of bitter sweets story

Creating a bully free zone

Ashok Kumar Shah

All of us have been through bullying, been a bully or at least, witnessed bullying at some point in...

Read Creating a bully free zone

Criminalization of Love

Dikshya Koirala

On 21st March 2023, Uganda’s parliament passed a law that criminalizes homosexual activities. The in...

Read Criminalization of Love

Diversion of Volunteering Among Youths

Shushmita Dhawan, Rhicha Giri, Shriti Giri

To volunteer means simply, to be motivated and give one’s time or energies to work towards a project...

Read Diversion of Volunteering Among Youths

Embracing Body Neutrality: A Path to True Self-Acceptance

Dikshya Koirala

In today's fast-paced society, where beauty standards are often unattainable and heavily influenced...

Read Embracing Body Neutrality: A Path to True Self-Acceptance

Female Prejudice


The world needs a hero to change the mere perspectives of the social hypocrites and all the social t...

Read Female Prejudice

Feminization of HIV in Nepal

Medha Sharma

Too many women in too many different countries speak the same language- silenceAs according to recen...

Read Feminization of HIV in Nepal

Gender norms

Ashok Kumar Shah

Gender norms are neither set nor universal and change over time. Some standards are good, such as, t...

Read Gender norms


Ashok Kumar Shah

I was in 7th grade, just on the verge of puberty. I was a backbencher and a child who befriended the...

Read Guilt…..

Hope MDG

Ajay Kumar Uprety

Millennium Development Goals are just a combined hope of 191 nations to see the world without a ...

Read Hope MDG

Hush-Hush Conversations

Dikshya Koirala

Growing up in a Nepali household is no easy feat. Throughout my life, I found myself constantly stru...

Read Hush-Hush Conversations


Ashok Kumar Shah

LGBTQIA+, a very trendy concept, one which opens wide arms for acceptance while it also narrows our...

Read Hypocrisy

I Bleed, I Believe

Sumanjari Pradhan

Menstruation is a simple biological term but the impact it creates on our minds and&n...

Read I Bleed, I Believe

I’m a proud South Asian: South Asian Youth Conference 2012

Aaditi Khanal

Never did I imagine that my first international conference would be in Pakistan! Scared? Horrified?...

Read I’m a proud South Asian: South Asian Youth Conference 2012

Intern Voice


YUWA FOR ME IS MORE THAN JUST AN ORGANIZATION…..What is Yuwa for me and what have I learnt from here...

Read Intern Voice

Intern Voice: My Experience in YUWA

Marc Lama

It just had been a month or so that I joined YUWA as an intern. Before that, I worked for a short sp...

Read Intern Voice: My Experience in YUWA

Kaalis Combating Colorism

Rakshya Khadgi

"Kaali" - one among the many nicknames I have and preferably one of the favorites to call me at home...

Read Kaalis Combating Colorism

Lesson to be learnt from United States’ disability rights movement

Karuna Parajuli

With a motive to share experiences of the movement of People Disabilities (PWDs) of US, Embassy of U...

Read Lesson to be learnt from United States’ disability rights movement

Mahila and her rights

Anusha Ojha

22nd May, was the third day of data collection. I got up early in the morning because we were suppos...

Read Mahila and her rights

Modern Day Slavery: Human Trafficking

Aaditi Khanal

One of the events of the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence, was A Talk on ‘Mode...

Read Modern Day Slavery: Human Trafficking

Motherhood- Two different story

Anusha Ojha

What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear the word mother? Of course it is the l...

Read Motherhood- Two different story

My First Period

Puja Bisunke

I was in an exam hall feeling uncomfortable and uneasy pain that I had never experienced before. Soo...

Read My First Period

My lucky experience

Manju Thapa Magar

I saw almost all the girls in my class got their first period at school. They were bleedin...

Read My lucky experience

My Menstruation Diaries

Shristi Garu

I was in grade 8 when my elder sister graduated from school. It was the month of magh and...

Read My Menstruation Diaries

One Voice Summit; My Experience

Rohan Chalise

One Voice Summit in a brief was a summit intersecting the issues of Environment and Sexual Reproduct...

Read One Voice Summit; My Experience

Oppyouthies: Your youth and Your opportunities

Darshana Shakya

The United Nations define youth as persons under the ages of 15 and 24. First, let’s calculate how y...

Read Oppyouthies: Your youth and Your opportunities

Problems and More Problems

Sachet Gurung

While searching for a particular book on fathers’ book shelf, I caught hold of an old book. This boo...

Read Problems and More Problems

Rainbow Resilience

Dikshya Koirala

As the sun began to peek through the clouds on that vibrant June morning, I embarked on a journey th...

Read Rainbow Resilience

Reaching Out Young Minds; A day workshop with youths at Dhangadhi

Surendra Bohara

Dhangadhi is situated as the far-west side of Nepal. Not only the bad conservative and traditional t...

Read Reaching Out Young Minds; A day workshop with youths at Dhangadhi


Sushma Sunuwar

Everyone ignored her because she was in red. She was in pain. It was hard for her to take care...

Read RED

Rise for Freedom

Khushi Adhikari

It's now 7, why aren't you home You were raped because of the skirt you wore An impercepti...

Read Rise for Freedom

Sex Education: How young is too young

Medha Sharma

Myriads of debates have already been raised on appropriate age of introducing sexuality education in...

Read Sex Education: How young is too young

Street Art and Visual Message Dissemination

Pramila Rai, Republica

(This article is adopted from GENNEXT Page of Republica dated 12/27/2012)KATHMANDU, Dec 26:&nbs...

Read Street Art and Visual Message Dissemination

Technology and the RESULTS


Waiting for the results outside the office of the controller of examination is a history now. Those...

Read Technology and the RESULTS

The Alchemist, A Magical Fable about Following Your Dream

Alisha Manandhar

I read a book named ‘The Alchemist, A Magical Fable about Following Your Dream’, written by the grea...

Read The Alchemist, A Magical Fable about Following Your Dream

The Differences

Richa Bhattarai

The road was flooded. He was merely 7 years old. He wanted to be on the other side of that flooded r...

Read The Differences

The Journey of YALC

Anusha Ojha

Before diving into my journey as a YALC, let’s try understanding what a YALC is. YALC which stands f...

Read The Journey of YALC

The Red Lie

Khushi Adhikari

It was a gorgeous September morning. The golden fingers of sunlight illuminated my room. This sleepy...

Read The Red Lie

The unwanted child and the helpless mother

Khushi Adhikari

"Are you sure we are having sex without a condom, Max?" "Emma, my girl, don't you love me?"&nbs...

Read The unwanted child and the helpless mother

Unmasking Suicide Myths in Nepal

Dikshya Koirala

In Nepal, as in many parts of the world, suicide is a significant public health issue. The governmen...

Read Unmasking Suicide Myths in Nepal

Why CSE can’t wait?

Anusha Ojha

To answer the question first let’s dive deep into understanding what comprehensive sexuality educati...

Read Why CSE can’t wait?

Why New Constitution?

Kanchan Pd. Kharel

A TV reporter asked a famous politician, ‘why new constitution?’, in reply the politician said, ‘new...

Read Why New Constitution?


Dikshya Koirala

This exact question was posed to me during my YALC application interview. If you do not know what YA...

Read Why YALC?

को हुन् युवा ?

Brabim Kumar ब्रबिम कुमार

”एक घण्टामा करिब ३३ युवा वैदेशिक रोजगारको लागी काठमाडौंको अन्र्तराष्ट्रिय विमानस्थलबाट उड्ने गर्दछन्...

Read को हुन् युवा ?

मेराे पहिलो महिनावारी

Nelisha Giri

मेराे  पहिलोपटक काे महिनावारी  कहिले पनि बिर्सन पहिलोपट...

Read मेराे पहिलो महिनावारी

युवा दिवसमा नेपाली युवाहरुले गरेका केही कार्यक्रमहरु


YUWAIYD e-Mela (e-Fete)a)      Organizational Showcase:Location: ...

Read युवा दिवसमा नेपाली युवाहरुले गरेका केही कार्यक्रमहरु